If you can distill humankind down to one common denominator what would it be? For me, it would be relationships. This defines us and makes us human. It sets us apart from all other life on this planet. It's a mystery and it's where soul meets soul. Really, it's all we have. Everything else can be taken from us - all our material possessions and even our body but our relationships will endure for better or for worse. I want mine to be identified in the for better category.
For too long we have measured ourselves by what we wear, what we have and what we do? Ultimately, we will be judged by who we loved and who we didn't.
This is true of our relationship with God as well. Either we had one or we didn't. Jesus once said that you can sum up all of life with this simple and complex command, "Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, all soul and all your mind." This, he said, is the greatest thing we can do with our life. Then he said, the second greatest thing we can do is to, "love our neighbor as ourself."
But you can't do the second unless you have done the first. It's just the way the cosmos were created. It's how it operates and nothing is ever going to change this fact.
This is what life is all about. It's about relationships. It's about a love affair between God and you and others. Relationships are the only thing that will last. How did I love God? How did I love myself? How did I love others? How did I relate? These are the important questions.
Excellent post, I was just pondering this very thing recently. When all of our material things are gone what else do we have but one another. Thanks.
How do I vote?
Ehh.. Satisfactory to Needs Improving.
Sorry Jen. The poll is closed. I will post a new poll this week about bacon, lettuce and tomato. You can vote in this poll. It will be a good one.
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