Saturday, November 22, 2008

Note to Self

Yesterday, November 21, will be a marker. There is one hope and His name is Jesus.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm Going to Start Writing My Book

I've had this on my mind for quite some time, years in fact. I am not sure if it will be good but we will see. The title is going to be: The Seven Deadly Pastors. I'm sure there will be a subtitle but I haven't decided on that yet. Anyway, over the years of working in the church I have worked for 6 different pastors. This was over a 15 year span. As you can imagine, I have seen a lot of good things and a lot of really really bad things as a result of my tenure in the church.

I know what you're thinking, "I thought the title was 7 Deadly Pastors and you said you worked for 6 pastors. Yada Yada Yada" Well, the 7th will be the surprise at the end.

What do I hope to accomplish? I want to look at the role of pastors in the community of Christ. I want to look at the systems that we've created that have done a disservice to pastors and congregants. I don't want to hurt anyone at all but I hope to be honest about the humanity, loss, pain, joy and hope for the church. It's getting run through the ringer and a lot of that is it's own fault. But I think there is hope and even as I wrestle with what all this means I hope that on the other side we can become what God wants us to be for the world.

Well, there you have it. Wish me luck. I just need Barna to endorse my book like he endorsed Pagan Christianity guru Frank Viola. I'll even put him down as a co-author. He doesn't even have to write anything for mine either.

Let's see. Maybe if I start smoking a pipe it will help me get started.