So, we sent out this postcard inviting people to worship with us. The postcard didn't seem THAT provocative to us. Then I get this phone call from a reporter at channel 25 saying that they would like to come interview me about our church. I say okay. It was a cool time and lasted about 30 minutes. She tells me it's going to be on at the 5pm news. So, I'm sitting there with my wife and kids (8 & 6) and they lead into the story with the title, "Sex Sells!" As I'm sitting there wishing my kids weren't watching my daughter (6) says, "Daddy, your famous." I said, "No honey, now I'm infamous." My wife and I laughed our tails off.
The kids never said a word or asked me about the "s" word.
I wish we could bottle up that childlike innocence and pass it out to all the adults in the world. God please save us.