I still have no idea how my mom did it - raising two little rambunctious boys on a receptionists salary. She made our lunches, got us on the bus, worked all day, came home, cooked us dinner, helped us with homework, put us to bed and cried herself to sleep. The victim of an unfaithful and abusive husband, my mom did it all. She taught us about unconditional love and prayed for us every day. In the end, I think we turned out alright.
You know, it's been hard to find men who would step up and mentor me in my life. Most of the men who had the opportunity to mentor me have failed miserably - from my father to the pastor's for whom I've worked. In fact, two of my greatest mentors were women. Both Wanda and Rachel believed in me and took an interest in my life, family and career. They encouraged my abilities and openly routed for my success. On top of that, I'm married to the greatest woman I know.
I'm a fan of women in leadership.
Last night was a win for women everywhere. Yes, I'm talking about Sarah Palin. She was brave, articulate, witty and honest. This is really an historic moment in this country. Congratulations to all women, it looks like you have a champion. Now the choice is up to you.
P.S. If Barack Hussien Obama becomes president, how will he have time to be a good father and husband to his small children and wife?
Why no one asking if Obama will be a good father is not a double standard: he doesn't have an unwed, pregnant, teenage daughter or a child who requires a lot of attention due to it's special needs (especially in the early years).
C'mon, Mike, it's a sexist double standard and you know it.
Personally, I don't think Palin is qualified to be VP. I think that anyone running for VP MUST also be qualified to run the country as President in the event of an assassination, accident or other life ending event for the President. If she got some more experience under her belt and learned how to say going instead of goin, I might be more interested in what she has to say.
For the Palin supporters, please vote for her and Mc Cain. That's the beauty of America. We don't have to agree, we just have to cast our vote!
I was championing women in this post and fighting sexism in this post. The idea that someone is not qualified to be VP or hold any other position or job in this country because she is a mother is sexist. She may or may not be qualified for the job but to disqualify her based on the fact that she is a mother is wrong. Reread the original post with a clear mind.
Consequently, there is an argument to be made on both sides of this debate that there are candidates who are unqualified. We could have a president who has virtually no experience. Let's not forget this.
p.s. Mary are you disqualifying her based on her accent too? Hmmm?
Well, I think the accent is part of the whole package and there are plenty of people who speak with country accents who don't drop the last letter of the words they speak. We expect our top officials to dress, talk and present themselves in a very professional manner, because it represents who they are in our superficial world. And yes, I know how crazy that sounds; but, it is true....plus I don't think she is qualified just yet.
I really wanted Hilary to be our next Pres. :(
Well. Sorry about Hillary. Who knows what would have happened if they would have let the Florida and Michigan primary votes count. Things might be real different.
I think there are a lot of things that qualify and disqualify people from leadership and I go back to my original discussion that being a mom is not one of those things that disqualifies a person from leadership. I know you know that.
The reality is that leaders lead whether their heart is pure or not.
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