One of the hardest things in the world is controlling what I say. I grew up with one of the most critical and judgmental fathers in the world. At least, I think he would be in the top 10. He would at least place and maybe even get a bronze. Anyway, after a while it gets ingrained in your brain to always look for faults in other people. I guess it's a result of not thinking much about yourself and trying to elevate by denigrating others.
Well, I don't like it and never have. But still the battle to control the tongue rages on.
Yesterday, I saw that people were protesting the yet to be released movie Tropic Thunder because it used, what they referred to, as the "r" word too much. By the "r" word they meant retarded. The protesters felt that it was offensive to people who are mentally handicapped. Their protest phrase is, "Words Matters" or something close to that.
Now, your first reaction might be to say that people need to lighten up - it's just a movie. Maybe we do need to lighten up a bit but perhaps the protestors have a point - words do matter.
Yesterday, I was also joking with a friend and in the meantime really hurt this persons feelings. I would never want to intentionally hurt my friend's feelings but I did. In fact, I'd prefer to cheer people on. I think it makes for a nicer planet.
Still trying to watch the things I say.
Not "people," Albert. The Association for RETARDED Citizens was protesting the use of the word "retard" to describe a twice fictional (fictional character within the world of a work of fiction) who was retarded.
That's like if I was the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Hobbits (NAAH) protesting The Lord of the Rings because we prefer the term "shire inhabitants."
You are right. It was the Association for Retarded Citizens who were protesting. I was not trying to mislead anyone. They are still people aren't they?And wasn't that the point of their protest.
So, are you suggesting that because the group that is sticking up for retarded citizens is the ARC that they don't have a right to be upset about the term being used in a derogatory manner?
I happen to work next to a local chapter of this organization and these are wonderful people. I just walked in a 1k to raise support for the organization. I can't imagine that you would condone anyone standing on the side of the road or walking in the benefit using the term retarded in a derogatory manner.
Micheal, I know that your worldview is very different than mine but I can't imagine that even you would be so heartless (this is not a putdown - I am saying that you would not be that heartless toward another human being).
The danger may lie in the fact that an evolutionary framework may allow someone to thing that a person who has a mental or physical handicapt is of lesser value. The fact is that all people have present and eternal value because we are more than just physical beings.
By the way, I've read LOTR and The Hobbit at least 7 times in my lifetime and I don't recall any hobbits being upset about the term hobbit. They might not have liked halflings however. Besides it's really a bad analogy.
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