Please, please, please don't make any more movies. I went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. The special effects weren't even good. I am begging you guys. When is the last time you made a good movie, with a decent plot that had just a little bit of realistic action. Let's face it, it took Lucas 3 tries in the new Star Wars Trilogy to make one good one.
Come on, a lead refrigerator in a nuclear blast and aliens taught the Mayans how to build a civilization. You have insulted the public for too long with your nonsensical movies. You guys are too old and too rich and have lost touch with the general population.
I used to be a fan but I am starting a boycott on any new stuff from you cats.
Here's some advice - give your money away to young, inspired and gifted film makers and spare us from your patronizing attempts to line your pockets even more.
I would ask for my $10 back but it is my fault for hoping that you could actually still make good movies. Please, please, please don't make anymore movies.
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