My son and I were going to the movies on Sunday afternoon to see Prince Caspian (amazing by the way). I said, "Let's pop some popcorn (since they charge an arm and a leg and require you to mortgage your house, car and give up your first born for a popcorn and soda) and grab a couple bottles of water and put them in your backpack with your sweatshirt." My son (8) asked, "Dad, isn't that against the rules?" My wife quickly exited the room and left me hanging.
Then it slipped out, "Some rules are bad rules." This started a whole conversation, of course, about obeying the rules. I guess the safe thing to do would have been to admit that my son was right and to stay in the black and white. But life is gray sometimes and I know popcorn isn't that important but the conversation was bound to happen at some point, especially since I can be a bit rebellious.
But, isn't it true? Aren't some rules bad rules?
What if everyone in Germany would have followed all the rules in the 1940's? What if they would have had high tea instead of a big "party" in Boston on December 16, 1773? What if everyone would have followed all the rules in the 1860's and the 1960's? What if the first disciples would have followed the rules? What if Jesus would have followed the rules?